Loan Product Disclosures
The lenders and loan options presented in FASTChoice were selected for the excellent terms and benefits they provide to borrowers. Students have used the following lenders in the past two years but students are not limited to the lenders listed.
All of the information provided on the Loan Options page is reviewed annually to ensure that the benefits that the lenders offer continue to adhere to our criteria. Any loan options that no longer adhere to our criteria are removed, and new loan options are added. At least two lenders will be presented to you at all times.
You are free to choose any lender, including those not presented. If you choose a lender that is not presented, please contact the financial aid office. Application processing will not be delayed unnecessarily if you choose a lender not presented.
Our officials are prohibited from accepting any financial or other benefits in exchange for displaying lenders and loan options in FASTChoice. Prohibited activities include: receiving compensation to serve on any lender board of directors or advisory boards; accepting gifts including trips, meals, and entertainment; allowing lenders to staff our institution's financial aid office; allowing lenders to place our institution's name or logo on any of their products; and owning of lenders' stock (for college officials who make financial decisions for our institution).