Johnson College

Private Lending for Higher Education

Welcome to FastChoice

Be proud of yourself, you are creating your pathway to success with the help of Johnson College.

Once you have exhausted federal and state funding, a private education loan may be an option to cover remaining educational expenses.

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Searching for a Private Loan?

There are many ways to pay for higher education, and choosing the right approach requires a good understanding of your options, your responsibilities, and the various details of each lender's loan products.

It's a lot to keep in mind. FastChoice makes it easy by providing you with information about private loans in an easy-to-understand format, to help you determine which private student loan best meets your needs.

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Borrowing Essentials

Borrowing Essentials provides an interactive overview of some basic information about borrowing money to pay for your education.

You are on your way to completing your educational goals at Johnson College and you know the importance of SMART borrowing. Compare the private loan options on the following pages.