Johnson College

Private Lending for Higher Education

Welcome to FastChoice

If your financial aid does not cover your bill consider a private student loan. The lenders on this list are the most popular lenders with our students for the past three years. However you may borrow from any lender you chose. Borrow conservatively as you will have to repay the sum in full with interest.

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Searching for a Private Loan?

There are many ways to pay for higher education, and choosing the right approach requires a good understanding of your options, your responsibilities, and the various details of each lender's loan products.

It's a lot to keep in mind. FastChoice makes it easy by providing you with information about private loans in an easy-to-understand format, to help you determine which private student loan best meets your needs.

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Borrowing Essentials

Borrowing Essentials provides an interactive overview of some basic information about borrowing money to pay for your education.

It is important to understand loan terms and conditions. Reading the following pages will help you become a SMARTER CONSUMER. And smarter consumers make more money.