Ottawa University - Kansas - Wisconsin - Arizona - Online

Private Lending for Higher Education

Loan Product Disclosures

Ottawa, Kansas Residential Campus: 1-800-755-5200 #4

Surprise, Arizona Residential Campus: (855) 546-1342

All other Ottawa University Campuses and Online students: 1-800-235-9586

The lenders presented in FASTChoice are the same lenders that previously made loans to other Ottawa University students since 2015. Ottawa University does not recommend or advocate for any lenders nor do we validate the information provided by them. All of the information provided on the Loan Options page is reviewed by the lender to ensure accuracy. You are free to choose any lender, including those not presented. Application processing will not be delayed unnecessarily if you choose a lender not presented.

Our officials are prohibited from accepting any financial or other benefits in exchange for displaying lenders and loan options in FASTChoice.

